Saturday, August 14, 2010


I've reading last words and suicide notes for the past hour?
Some are really wonderful, and some are kind of silly.
For example, Ulysses Grant 's lasts were "Water."
Suicide notes make me both really creeped out and sad because like to take your own life kind of sucks.
And ~death~ and shit haha. Remember death?
And I just hope my last word's are memorable and that people who put stock in last words (like I do) are there with me to write mine down or something.
Also, I walked across a big street today by myself. I was terrified ugh ugh ugh.
But it was okay, I was okay. I didn't get hit or anything. But it was SO HOT.
Damn Florida heat.

Until I pick up my schedule: 2 days
When I woke up: 11amish
Things I have eaten today: coke and water and chicken parm. and slightly underdone french fries and chicken stick things
Last song I scrobbled: The Mountain Goats – Isaiah 45:23

1 comment:

  1. i have been reading about amusement park accidents every night before bed? a weird habit?
