Monday, June 17, 2013

What's New


I graduated high school!!
I would write something long and thoughtful about that but honestly there's nothing thoughtful about it. I graduated. That's it. Honestly every one else in my whole family made a bigger deal than I did.
The only good thing was that my (older!) brother was in town.

I've got my license so I can drive!! By myself!! Do meaningless errands. I love it.
I driven to the airport a bunch of times to pick up/drop off my brothers and I went to a concert in Ybor and it's so freeing! I drove to hang out with Brian at his house just because! I can go to the beach whenever!
However my father won't give me his car and I have money but not SUBSTANTIAL money to purchase my own vehicle so I'm just pumping all of my car-money into buying gas for that car and stressing out about not having a vehicle for college. Whatever.

Being an adult is difficult.

I have a boyfriend!! His name is Kevin and he works at Radio Shack and he likes Doctor Who and SCIENCE. He's all about Doing Stuff like bicycle riding or going to the beach or disc golf. It's very odd! I am an object at rest that just wants to stay at rest. But, y'know. Whatever. I'm worried about him because I'm moving two hours away for college and I definitely don't plan on having a long distance boyfriend during college because that is some extra stress that I do not need. But he is nice and he makes me feel very good about myself.

My dad said the other day that I went from wearing jeans every day to short shorts in a matter of weeks and it's true! There was no middle ground. I did not go from jeans to "normal" shorts to short shorts. It's summer and it's hot and I for once feel okay about my thighs and whatever that is called when your thigh fat looks weird. (I keep wanting to call it like "cream cheese" or "cheese curds" but it is neither of those things. You know what I'm talking about.)

I've been staying at my dad's a lot a lot this past month. The first reason was because my brother was in town and I literally wanted to spend every single waking moment with him but then my brother went back to Maine to hang out with his fiance (whom I love!!) and I'm still staying at my dad's house.

I think the real reason is that I really blamed my dad for the divorce and my mom feeling like shit and so I was always with my mom because I love my mom. My mom was there for me all through middle school and she let me stay home during sophomore year when I needed to stay home. I needed her and I felt like she needed me. But now she has like a job that isn't her dad's business and is starting a new business with her boyfriend (!!) and she goes out every Thursday night with her Lady Friends and she's really moving on in life!! I'm happy for you and everything but goodness we haven't spoken in a couple days. It's all just text messages and quick phone calls. I mean I miss my mom but I also want her to be her and have relationships that are important to her because I'm leaving soon but I am going to miss her the most when I leave.

Also my "real life" friends are a Dream Come True and I love them so much and I hope I stay in touch with the core of them for the rest of my life.

Thank you and goodnight.