WOOOOOO gotta get the creative juices flowing!Yes! We must! *knowledge injection* I prefer organic smartness.Ah, having to crack a book spine. Oh wow. You can see all my typos and cut off ideas...You can see all of MY typos and MY incorrect everything.Incorrectness...wow. I lost my train of thought there.Noticed. Right. Story time. What are we gonna write about. What are we gonna write about...*twiddles thumbs*...Hmm, I don't know. I assume a short story of some sort?YES! So, its short.What else?Yes! Lots of dancing!
1) It's short.
2) It's also a story. Preferably with humor.
3) There should be dancing.
4) Lots of nerdy awkwardness.
Sister had no idea what an etherpad was. Thank you for demonstrating. STORY PLANNING. Shall we wing it based on what we have?
YES. Niether does my brother. Right so, yes.
So, once upon a time, there was this chick right. And her name was Jasmine.(Yes like in Aladdin.) So Jasmine really hated this thing, where people would hear her name and say, "Oh like in Aladdin!" so she wanted to prove herself the world.Something to prove to the world that she was more than some chick with the same name as a fictional character. Like she'd be cool if her name was Hermione, or Luna, but Jasmine was a dumb name too.Seeking something badass to do to pull herself from Aladdin's shadow, she went to her BAMF Nerdfighter friend Katherine.And it was really convient that she had a nerdfighter friend named Katherine, or else, what would Jasmine do with herself? So she goes to Katherine and she asks her bff Katherine, "How can I get the frick out of this SHADOW?!" And Katherine procedded to quote Alaska Young and be all, "How will I ever get out of this Labyrinth?" Katherine paused for a moment. "Well, first of all, I think you're pushing the "shadow" part. But yes, I can help you become your own Jasmine." She walked over to a stack of papers and handed one to Jasmine, folded several times over. "This is a list of stuff you'll need to buy. Head over to Walmart and pick them up, and bring them all back to my place." For you see, Katherine, too wanted to get out of the shadow known as dumping guys named Colin (HAHAHA), so she needed to make a name for herself, too.
So, the two who needed to make a name for themselves, Katherine the dumper, and Jasmine the princess drove throught out Central Nerdfighteria in pursuit of their new lives. Jasmine looked down at the list. "Alright, first item...I'm not even going to try and pronounce that. What is it?" Because Jasmine was born in Russia, and therefore could not pronounce the word "Snuggie," poor poor Jasmine. "It's a Snuggie, Jasmine!"
"Well...what's a Snuggie?"
Katherine put her face into her palm. "It's a backwards blanket cloak. So we can start a cult and start our new lives."
"As a cult?"
"Obviously as a cult," Katherine said, slowly. Katherine wonded how she and Jasmine had ever became friends.
Little itty bitty Katherine was sitting at lunch, eating her Lunchable. Suddenly, these punks who were in the next grade up start stealing her oreos. "Give those back to me!" Katherine cried. But it was no use. Suddenly, Jasmine came out of nowhere, and started flirting with the punks, even though she was even younger then Katherine.Her accent certainly helped the cause. And then, from there on, they were friends.
Jasmine studied the list again. "What's silly string?"
Katherine gasped. "Did you NOT have a childhood?" The two walked into the doors of Walmart, and Katherine ran towards the decorations isle. "Here! Silly string!" she exclaimed, and shot some into Jasmine's eyes. "Er, I get it now. Where do we find Snuggies anyways?" She pondered this for a moment, finger on her lips. "I think it's either in the Halloween isle...or the cult isle." Jasmine was shocked that there was even such an isle. But then she remembered she was in Walmart.
And Wal-Mart has everything.
*Giggles evily*